Yeah, Gary, that was a stupid answer, but then again, it WAS a set-up.

I don’t care much for Sarah Palin’s neo-conservatism, but I didn’t like it when she was mocked for not snapping to the obscure and wonky phrase “Bush Doctrine” in her first major interview as VP candidate. It was clearly a set-up. Likewise, I’m not a fan of Gary Johnson’s brand of Libertarian Light (and I … Read more

Alt Right or Alt Wrong? Podcast of Aug 27 2016 show

This week’s podcast on youtube πŸ™‚ Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 This is a good time for a RedSilverJ video πŸ™‚

Johnson/Weld: Libertarian Light (podcast of August 13, 2016 show)

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 More from the Great Harry Browne Weld Interview below (sparking the quote from BR: “Why is this guy on the ticket?”) CNN – Anderson Cooper-hosted Libertarian Town Hall As mentioned on the air: What if ISIS is not what it appears to be? Two libertarians on different … Read more

GMO Labeling, the Obvious Libertarian Solution

Unfortunately, the debate over GMO labeling continues in the form of “to label or not to label” and is focused on the federal government. As is typical, stipulating that this is an issue on which the federal government should decide for all, has backfired. Calls for GMO labeling at state, local and federal levels has … Read more

Consentism: A Motion to Re-brand Anarcho Capitalism by Rich Clarke

I hate it when the opposition hijacks language such as when collectivists decided to call themselves “liberals” co-opting the term from classical liberals akin to our founders or when the left calls corruption and privilege “capitalism” instead of cronyism. Eventually if there’s no word for something it will cease to exist so I don’t want … Read more

What Is Classical Liberalism?

New glossary entry…Classical Liberals are closer to Libertarians than they are to Liberal Democrats…even today, in Europe, I have heard libertarians referred to as liberals… From Classical liberalism is a political ideology that developed in the nineteenth century in Western Europe, and the Americas. It was committed to the ideal of limited government and … Read more

“100% of the Constitution 100% of the time” – Gotta love TMOT!

Libertarians might balk at this statement. After all, the Constitution gives the federal government the right to steal (Taxation is Theft!) and kill, and failed to restrain that government from overstepping the boundaries set up to contain those powers. As an anarcho-capitalist, I have concluded that no piece of paper can contain an entity that … Read more