Suddenly The First Amendment Matters!

Despite their recent assault on the free speech of anyone in the alternative media, the left was up in arms yesterday about Trump tweeting, “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!” Fake News Site Slate, who’s … Read more

Flag Burning Tweet Was Because of Romney

In what was clearly a staged photo opt, this was the best picture they could get? I guess the photo of Trump sitting on Romney’s chest, shoving wads of napkins into his mouth while demanding an apology, wasn’t the story they wanted to tell. Trump’s recent courting of Mitt Romney is one of the many … Read more

At Last! The "Conservative Welfare State" We Always Wanted!

When I tell people about the father of the modern GOP, Irving Kristol’s book, Neo-Conservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea, about his successful efforts over the years to transform the Republican party into a “truly political party” that did not worry so much about balancing the budget as controlling it, they are often shocked. But … Read more

Nepotism, Cronyism & Corruption

From today’s Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump Son-in-Law Could Face His Own Conflict-of-Interest Questions Even as an unpaid adviser, Jared Kushner’s financing arrangements for his real-estate firm could draw scrutiny The real-estate company controlled by Jared Kushner, President-elect Donald Trump’s son-in-law, has hundreds of millions of dollars in loans outstanding from domestic and foreign financial … Read more

Our Tax Dollars Destroying Jobs

The Wall Street Journal today ran a story about gigantic touchscreens appearing in hundreds of McDonald’s in California, New York and Florida. The article was about the technology and the implication, of course, is that we free marketers should rejoice in progress even at the expense of jobs. My problem with this assumption is that … Read more

Propaganda Report Episode 13: I Want To Know The Truth!

Monday November 28, 2016 – Information overload, emotionalism, the search for truth in our pseudo reality, and much more on this 13th episode of the Propaganda Report. Caution: Do not listen to this episode in the presence of children! (It’s not what you think–nothing unsavory, it’s just that Binkley made some indiscreet comments about the … Read more

Trump vs Clinton II "The Recount"

In the highly anticipated 1996 heavyweight championship bout between two giants of boxing, Evander Holyfield pulled off the upset against Iron Mike Tyson. This set the stage for the even more highly anticipated rematch. Holyfield vs Tyson II, aka, “The Sound and The Fury” would become, at that time, the highest grossing boxing match in … Read more

US Govt Makes Al Qaeda Recruitment Videos AND Runs Child Porn Sites???

All for a good cause, I’m sure… The FBI May Have Run Not Just One But 24 Dark Web Child-Porn Websites The sites are thought to have accounted for roughly half of all child porn websites on the dark web. The FBI has a controversial new method of fighting child pornography: distributing child pornography. As … Read more

Shocker! Hillary Goes Low

What a shocker! Not that Castro shorted out……that Hillary’s campaign will take part in the recount. The whole reason Jill Stein initiated the process is so that Hillary could say she accepted the elections results……that she took the high road until she was dragged kicking and fainting into to the recount process. You know what … Read more

Fake News PsyOp Telegraphed Just Before Election

Four days before the election, I wrote an article about various signals we were receiving from Obama and Melania and spelled out by Deep Stater Vernon Jordan. Immediately after the election, I predicted that Melania’s First Lady cause célèbre would be cyberbullying, which would play right into the blueprint Jordan laid out. What I didn’t … Read more