The Death of Justice Scalia: A Turning Point for America

Antonin_Scalia_Official_SCOTUS_PortraitWhen my 88 year old uncle died alone in his room clearly from having gotten confused and taken more of his medicine than he was supposed to (his little am/pm pill boxes were open and empty beyond the day and time they should have been), his doctor very somberly questioned those in the family who had seen him last. The doctor felt that Uncle Al was too healthy to die suddenly, and although exhibiting early signs of dementia, should have been capable of keeping up with such a simple system to take his meds. Clearly, the doctor wanted to rule out the possibility that someone had a hand in getting Uncle Al to take too much medication. My uncle had a paranoid cast of mind and always thought people were after his money–little of it though there was–and the doctor wanted to be sure there wasn’t more to Uncle Al’s suspicions than he had credited. The reality is, there were 13,000 murders in the United States that year motivated by all sorts of things–jealousy, rage, personal gain–when someone dies, it makes sense to ask “Cui bono?” Who benefits?

When Justice Scalia died, my first thought was, “Heavy-set guy, 79, probably died of a heart attack…sounds reasonable.” I did notice that he was not at home at the time, so his wife was not with him to verify the circumstances of his death, and that he was reported as animated and well when he was last seen–aren’t there oftentimes warning signs of a heart attack? At this point, I usually get on my headlamp and start down the rabbit hole, and in this case, I might even have seen the rabbit hole in advance.

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Crisis + Solution = "Common Sense" Gun Laws? Podcast of December 5, 2015 Show

Above is a picture of the two suspects. I had seen another picture of the woman in which she looked westernized as in this one. Since then, however, all pictures show her looking scarier and scarier and more and more foreign. But the most disturbing picture I have seen so far–and be forewarned, it’s VERY … Read more

Crisis + Solution = “Common Sense” Gun Laws? Podcast of December 5, 2015 Show

Above is a picture of the two suspects. I had seen another picture of the woman in which she looked westernized as in this one. Since then, however, all pictures show her looking scarier and scarier and more and more foreign. But the most disturbing picture I have seen so far–and be forewarned, it’s VERY … Read more

Blue Helmets Coming To a City Near You! Please make them feel welcome :)

All signs point to a big leap forward in the push for world government, especially this UN initiative to help “fight extremism” in US cities. This dovetails nicely with the themes being pushed right now by the government and the media: civil unrest, terrorism, police overreach, racial conflict, religious conflict, militarization of police, the surveillance … Read more

What do Putin, the Popes, the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership & the Afghan hospital bombing have in common?

They all cry out for world government. Here’s my take, with references underneath the video. But there’s more than one way to skin a cat! There’s plenty of speculation right now in the wake of simultaneous but uncoordinated military action in and around Syria between the US and Russia that we might be on … Read more

What do Putin, the Popes, the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership & the Afghan hospital bombing have in common?

They all cry out for world government. Here’s my take, with references underneath the video. But there’s more than one way to skin a cat! There’s plenty of speculation right now in the wake of simultaneous but uncoordinated military action in and around Syria between the US and Russia that we might be on … Read more

Heidi Cruz wants to build a North American Community – what does that mean, exactly?

In today’s video preview of tomorrow’s show, I refer to a document, Building a North American Community, written by a Council on Foreign Relations task force which included Heidi Cruz (i.e., Mrs. Ted Cruz), who expressly agreed with the recommendations in the report. What are those recommendations? Here’s a sampling, but I highly recommend you … Read more

Ted Cruz on the CFR: "A pernicious nest of snakes…working to undermine our sovereignty"

Here’s Cruz stating that the CFR is a pernicious nest of snakes working to undermine our sovereignty: Here is his wife, CFR member Heidi Cruz, working to foster the “North American Community,” a CFR project that undermines our sovereignty. For highlights of this scary document, click here. In the video below (h/t JB), Cruz dismisses “attacks on … Read more

Ted Cruz on the CFR: “A pernicious nest of snakes…working to undermine our sovereignty”

Here’s Cruz stating that the CFR is a pernicious nest of snakes working to undermine our sovereignty: Here is his wife, CFR member Heidi Cruz, working to foster the “North American Community,” a CFR project that undermines our sovereignty. For highlights of this scary document, click here. In the video below (h/t JB), Cruz dismisses “attacks on … Read more