Alert: Hearings Wed 2/21 and Thur. 2/22 pm on unverifiable voting bills

From Garland Favarito VoterGA supporters, There will be a Senate Ethics Committee Meeting on Thursday February 22, 2018 at 3:00pm in Room 307 CLOB to hear SB403. • There will also be a House Governmental Affairs Committee Meeting on Wednesday February 21, 2018 at 2:00pm in Room 406 CLOB apparently to hear HB848 however the … Read more

This Video Is Getting Scrubbed – Here's Why….

At 2:14, “Mom” says, “I believe they had just earlier done after the break done some drills on this exact kind of situation which is I think why the teachers and students knew  what to do in this instance.” Of course the mainstream media doesn’t care about the truth, which is why The Wall Street … Read more

THE EPISODE YOUTUBE BANNED: Ep. 86 – Florida School Shooting Sheriff Desires Power To Detain Over Social Media

Yet another school shooting gets instantly politicized and while the left and the right argue the same talking points, many are wondering what really happened at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and why. We analyze some of the Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel’s statements, including his desire for the power to detain people over social … Read more

Strategy. Of. Tension. #ReadMyTwips #ICYMI

If you don’t use twitter or get overwhelmed by your feed, scan these one liners I offer to give you my very quick two cents on the headlines – I don’t tweet if I don’t think no one else is saying it (does that make sense????)

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#DarnCuteBaby #StandWithRand #ReadMyTwips #ICYMI



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US Debt 2017 Towers Over Statute of Liberty (Image)

This image visualizing debt in the United States in 2017 comes from a great website called They post economic info graphics that really put government spending in perspective. From US Debt 2017 – $20+ Trillion If you look carefully you can see the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty no longer keeps … Read more

Guilty Til Proven Innocent? What Is Rand Up To?? Today's Twitter Trip #ReadMyTwips #ICYMI

#InnocentUntilProvenGuilty is a critical protection against political persecution…neither left nor right should lose sight of that no matter how egregious the alleged crime. — Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) February 9, 2018 Sexual harassment meme is being used to get the left to abandon the notion of #InnocentUntilProvenGuilty the way transgender bathrooms and plastic bag bans are … Read more

Preemptive Expansionism

Shall I coin a term? "Preemptive expansionism?" 'cause if we don't China & Russia will, right? — Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) February 6, 2018