Who Is The Easiest Propaganda Target?

There are people who’re dismissive of the power of propaganda. When it’s suggested that they consider the possibility that leaders on their side of the aisle might be propagandizing them in ways they haven’t considered, they balk at the possibility. They won’t even consider it. Any attempt to point out the complex nature of propaganda is brushed … Read more

Up Your What?

New glossary entry: upsource A term I just coined to mean the opposite of subsidiarity. Moving responsibility for something up and out of local or individual control to a higher level of government. For example, medical care for the aging was “upsourced” by LBJ in the 60s with the enactment of Medicare. Similarly, the GOP … Read more

Propaganda Report Episode 17: Putin Power!

December 22nd, 2016 – Rules for Radicals, Total Information Control, The Allegory of the Cave, Putin’s Power, and much more on this 17th episode of the Propaganda Report. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO EPISODE 17 OF THE PROPAGANDA REPORT If you haven’t, subscribe to the Propaganda Report podcast on iTunes for weekly in-depth propaganda analysis … Read more

Sidestream Media: The Backstory (revised & expanded)

by Andreago Ferreira Much is made today of the “mainstream/liberal/establishment media” epitomized by media giants such as CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Time Magazine, Politico, and sometimes The Washington Post. However, relatively little analysis is dedicated to other major media blocs, all of which, despite the assertion that the liberal media is the sole … Read more

A Message to Electors for Unite America (A Parody Cut)

Unite America made a cringeworthy PSA where they ask Republican electors to flip their vote. They disabled the comments and somehow they also disabled the like/unlike function. I didn’t know you could that. Anyway, I made an alternative cut of their PSA that I think is more appropriate. Here is the parody cut. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULnfRugiRkQ] … Read more

Episode 15 – Propaganda Report – Pizza Gate: What Is It? What’s Its Purpose?

CLICK HERE for Episode 15 of The Propaganda Report.    In this episode of the Propaganda Report/Monica Perez Show we discuss pizzagate and we take calls from listeners to find out their thoughts. Is it legit? Is it a diversion? Is it both? What even bigger scandal are we not paying attention to? Clintons Connections To … Read more

Remember When Morning Joe Mentioned Clinton's Ties To Pedophile Epstein?

  [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94c-XcP1f6c] I’ll write and make videos about something other than Jeffrey Epstein, pizzagate, and the Clintons soon. I promise. It’s maddening to see the mainstream media continue to get away with labeling facts “fake news.” MSNBC’s Morning Joe discussed the Clinton’s Jeffrey Epstein situation on at least two separate occasions over six months … Read more