Here are links to journalistic, investigative and quick-hit posts that aim to bring attention to things in the news that are under-reported or overly spun, as well as articles that explain core concepts or original ideas and insights.
Best #WTWOF of all time? Vulgarity Rising in the Public Arena
Facebook Will Tear Down Its Model Just To Build A More Controlled Newsfeed
Fascinating, Classic Interview About Hurricane Modification
Coincidences Happen: Lamarck v. Darwin
Voila! Lessons from Trump & Brexit Scare Europe Straight
Fascinating Watergate Revelations
Very Clever, Mr. Musk! (follow-on to yesterday’s post)
The Musk Special: Government-Privilege Two Ways
From vulgarity to violence, Dumbing Us Down has turned to Decivilizing Us
#WTWOF The Prison-Industrial Complex Uncaged!
Public-Private Partnership Is NOT a Libertarian Concept!
Republican Voters DEMAND Infrastructure Spending!
Oligarchs Benefit from Big Climate Regulations & more
Republicans Caught the Squirrel-Now What?
Totalitarianism to the Rescue!
“I could really use an Odd Couple right now.”
Fox News Operates Like an Intelligence Agency
Obama & Kerry BEGGED to shoot Tomahawk Missiles into Syria in 2013 but Congress wouldn’t let them
Weird Meme in “London Rampage”
Below-Market Rent Is an Old Scam
Neo-Cons have always wanted “some form of national health insurance”
Look at Russia! (or anywhere else-but definitely not at North Korea or Yemen)
Say what you want about Jeff Sessions…
Is “Well-Outside the Mainstream” Newspeak for OUT OF HER FREAKIN’ MIND???
Monica Perez Talks to Rogue Money – Fasten Your Seatbelt!
McMaster DOES Need Senate Confirmation After All
#WTWOF: Afghanistan for DynCorp?
Touchstones Trump Conspiracies
Republicans Lobby for Basic Income Payment & Carbon Tax
Who Are “They?” A Shortlist
Coleman’s Last Three Predictions Coming True? #WTWOF
#WTWOF: This Could Really Stir Things Up
401ks, Baby Boomers & “Privatizing” Social Security
Yeah…I’m gonna need those Knowledge Reports…
Feds Continue to Assert Authority Over Police
Trump Double Dog Dares the EU to Double Down
How To Get Around the Tenth Amendment & Effectively Nationalize the Police
Keep Your Googly Eyes on Eric Schmidt ?
Gerasimov Doctrine, Russia’s Cyberstrategy?
Neo-McCarthyism, or Left vs. Left
Sidestream Media: The Backstory (revised & expanded)
It’s Opposite Day for Ohio Republicans!
FBI Just Got Huge Expansion of Hacking Powers, and Other Tales of Surveillance & Censorship
Regulations Are For Cronies…
How Do You Say “Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste” in Portuguese?
#WTWOF North Korean Missile Crisis?
At Last! The “Conservative Welfare State” We Always Wanted!
Nepotism, Cronyism & Corruption
Our Tax Dollars Destroying Jobs
US Govt Makes Al Qaeda Recruitment Videos AND Runs Child Porn Sites???
Fake News PsyOp Telegraphed Just Before Election
Another Fake & Funny Presidential Debate
Final Presidential Debate (a parody)
Evil Alternate Universe: Giuliani Would Make a Good Secretary of State
The Censorship Agenda: What To Watch Out For
Teeing It Up for the Censorship President
News Sources Worth Checking Out
Yeah, Gary, that was a stupid answer, but then again, it WAS a set-up.
ZIKAgenda Unfolding on Schedule
GMO Labeling, the Obvious Libertarian Solution
Consentism, A Motion to Rebrand Anarcho-Capitalism by Rich Clarke
Parallels in this “Unprecedented Election Year”
Lone Wolves or Predictable Pattern?
French Cops Fell for “Free Ice Cream” Trick?
How Regulations Help Big Business: A Case Study in Pot
Has Your Town Adopted the International Property Maintenance Code?
Anyone Notice How Trump Coverage Changed?
The Orlando Agenda (Propaganda Report)
“Mistaken address case in Stockbridge: Man shot by police dies”
Whistleblower Gets More Time than Epstein!! (Then Dies.)
“100% of the Constitution 100% of the time” – Gotta love TMOT!
This Is How the WSJ Covered the Ken Starr Story…
GOP Rules & Libertarian Party in the Crosshairs…
Why Did Thiel Bankroll Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuit?
Ken Starr, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Ken Starr, Bill Clinton…
The Ferguson Effect: Intended Consequences (Propaganda Report)
Coercive Engineered Migration Qaddafi-Style (Propaganda Report)
Prince’s Death: More Like Michael Jackson than Whitney Houston?
I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me…
What Everyone Missed About the NC Bathroom Law (on the principle of subsidiarity)
Have You Seen This Police Cam Video?
Instantly Labeled “The Panama Papers”
Smoking Mom Affects Fetal DNA? It’s Downright Anti-Darwinian!
Trump’s First MegaDonor Was Senator Hillary’s Biggest Contributor
Is a Coup Underway in Malaysia?
A Libertarian Take on School Loans & International Students
Election Fraud: A Few Interesting Videos
Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee’s Interesting Past
Cruz’s Citizenship: First Establish the Facts, then Address the Law…
“A Cautionary Tale” Courtesy of “Decent Conservatives”
Trump Spends Zero and Is Crushing It…How?
Tipping Is Anarcho-Capitalism In Action
The Death of Justice Scalia: A Turning Point for America
The Constitution, Quick & Dirty
Is my #1 prediction for 2016 coming true already?
Here are the principles of a Just War….
For those who value the Second Amendment…
CNN Democratic Debate Mystery….How did Anderson Cooper know what O’Malley was going to say??
Blue Helmets Coming To a City Near You! Please make them feel welcome 🙂
Is Emailgate Just a Way To Get Us To Think We’re Getting the Whole Truth?
US Labor Participation Rate Plummets While Black Market for Labor Booms
Thought Experiment (re VA shooting)
The Libertarian Immigration Conundrum
Heidi Cruz wants to build a North American Community. What does that mean exactly?
We Should Be the Safest Nation That Ever Existed
Hot Links! (and I’m not talking BBQ!)
The True Nature of the Constitution
Ted Cruz on the CFR: “A pernicious nest of snakes…working to undermine our sovereignty”
Hard on Rand, Easy on Ted? Side by side interviews on Today.
Germanwings Air Disaster: What We DON’T Know.
Murray Rothbard on Ireland’s Anarchist History
Emailgate: The only 2 things I find interesting about Hillary’s emails…
An Interesting Passage from Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope
FoxNews Reports ISIS Video of Beheading Copts Faked
“I don’t always drive a truck, but when I do…it’s a Toyota Hilux.”
What if ISIS isn’t what it appears to be?
CNBC Tries to Set Up Rand Paul with a Laundry List of Attack Memes – He Fights Back!
Charlie Hebdo: The Strange Case of the Shot Policeman
This is CRAZY! Noah Pozner…in Pakistan??
Why Would “They” Stoke the Ferguson Fire?
Shirtless Cheeseball or Class Act?
Libertarians Beware! It’s a Set-Up!
Proof! It IS a Set-Up! Kaci Hickox is a CDC “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer”
Update on Ukraine!…Oh wait – why does the US care about Ukraine again????
Self-Defense Is the Only Right.
Monica Perez with Stefan Molyneux on Freedomain Radio (video)
Human Nature & The Wiki Concept
Bewitched or Mad Men
The Strip: Getting to the Meat of the Matter
Cliven Bundy & The Rule of Law
The Rise of the Dissipant
There Is Something Wrong
Cracking the Code on Malaysia Flight 370: The Ping is the Thing
Crimea & Self-Determination: The First Principle of the Law of Nations
Exposing the Shadow Government in the Ukraine (and the US?)
Philip Seymour Hoffman could have been William Stewart Halsted
Duck Dynasty Dust-Up
Miriam Who?…Some Facts About the Woman Gunned Down in DC
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a Radical Islamist AND a Right-Wing Extremist?
It’s Not Right vs. Right, It’s Us vs. Them
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Resting Comfortably?
The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing Hidden Audio
How Many Islamic Terrorists Marry Into Skull & Bones Families?
Ibragim Todashev and Other Fishy Tales
Tsarnaev’s CIA Connections
What Really Happened in Watertown? What if…
FOX News Deliberately Went Easy on Obama
Conservative “Core Principles” or Just Political Expedients?
Crony Capitalism: How the Sausage Is Made
Rand Paul Is “One of the Most Dangerous” Politicians of His Generation
Confessions of a Neo-Conservative: An Exposé
From Smallpox to Singapore: Why a Gun Ban Won’t Work in the U.S.
Thankfulness Is in the Eye of the Beholder
7 Reasons Libertarians Can Be Happy Romney Lost
America’s Talent Deficit: A Free Market Solution
Please Don’t Feed Me Neo-Con and Tell Me That It’s Liberty
The Great Chicken Wars: A Victory for Statism
If One More Person Says “JP Morgan Is Too-Big-To-Manage” I’ll Scream!
Being Irish Helped Me Understand the Regressive Nature of Crack
Letter to the Wall Street Journal: It IS Too Easy Being Green, But Why?
Joe Sobran, brought to me by twitter…
“Not One Conservative Agrees with Ron Paul”
What Ron Paul Thinks of America–Rebuttal
“Merry Christmas, Sheriff!” Homeland Security Treats Texas Town to a Brand New Surveillance Drone!
Feds Seize 150 Websites for Selling Counterfeit Merchandise–Kind Of
CDC: More People Die in the US from Prescription Painkillers than from Cocaine & Heroin Combined
Income inequality is increasing. So what’s the big deal?
The Plot Thickens: Could Soros Be the Real Mastermind of Occupy Wall Street?
Keep your mitts off my food!!!