Deep Tech

Deep Tech: A Conversation with Cory Here is my first attempt at launching a non-celebrity guest interview series where I pick the brains of people I find interesting but you’ve probably never heard of! Enjoy! Here’s the article we referred to in the conversation – it’s not about Deep Tech but it is deep! … Read more

I Call BS! The Shortage of Truckers is a Result of Deliberate Policy!

Nowhere in this article does it mention the systematic policy attack on truckers. Extreme restrictions on truckers’ flexibility over when to drive has crushed productivity–rising wages or line-hauls won’t make up for having to spend more hours idle for every delivery. Demand for truckers is going up not only as demand for transportation has increased … Read more

Not the first time the Journal fawns over a totalitarian dictatorship: "Authoritarianism Is China's Edge in AI"

Time and time again, I have seen The Wall Street Journal explain that the reason Russia and China are so together and are such a big threat to us is that they have the luxury of being totalitarian dictatorships that can get ‘er done without the fussy inconvenience of individual liberty or consensual government. Well, … Read more

The Doctor Is In [your house all the time watching you]! #ReadMyTwips #ICYMI

AT&T Captures Classified NSA Tech Contract h/t WDDG via @Nextgov — Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) January 30, 2018 alexa to be used for remote patient monitoring? — Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) January 30, 2018   Yup. Going out in a blaze of glory is the new golden parachute for sure. #WTWOF “Mr. McCabe will take … Read more

Ep. 83 – Why Facebook Suddenly "Cares" About Children & Democracy

Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, and Google have been in the news lately acknowledging how damaging their technology is to children and to democracy. Do the admissions made by the tech giants reflect a genuine concern about the impact their products have on society, or are they merely teeing up a pre-planned solution that will result in … Read more

Not Syrian Chemicals Again! And What's With Rand Paul's Hair? #ReadMyTwips #ICYMI

Is Trump’s stance on trade just another contrarian view meant 2spark a reaction? TPP etal were on the rocks as was globalism but fear of “economic nationalism” may bring the populace 2heel. Perhaps what comes out of Davos will provide a clue-maybe even be the turning point #WTWOF — Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) January 25, 2018 … Read more

If Trump Really Is Batman, He'll Veto FISA702 & Other Deep Thoughts #ReadMyTwips #ICYMI

The #FISA702 bill permits the government to search Americans’ communications and data without a warrant in violation of the #4thAmendment. We need @realDonaldTrump to veto this unconstitutional legislation. — Justin Amash (@justinamash) January 18, 2018   Yesterday Wendi Murdoch, today another Chinese spy…and @freedomactradio didn’t you say we’re told they’re invading our schools! … Read more

Rupert Murdoch's Ex Is A Chinese Foreign Agent?? That's what he says anyway! …Holiday Weekend Twitter Trip…#ReadMyTwips #ICYMI

For years I’ve been saying the Internet is a ltd hangout to get us to register ourselves & that it would be pulled back, but how would they do it? Online radicalization is one excuse, and now “for the children!” At 12:19m he drops the bomb! — Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) January 17, 2018   … Read more

Facebook Info Control Part II

This is a follow-on to my earlier article from today about a facebook story in today’s Wall Street Journal. Another article appearing on the same page in the Journal today as the facebook article I discussed earlier, outlines how calls for social media censorship arose in the wake of various news stories (most of which … Read more