PODCAST: Drivetime News Blast: DNB: Biden Survives Gang Fight, Google Earth Sees All, Anonymity for Sperm Donors Is Dead, Felicity Huffman Sentencing (2019.09.13)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Show and subscribe Links below.  PODCAST: Drivetime News Blast (DNB): Biden Survives Gang Fight, Google Earth Sees All, Anonymity for Sperm Donors Is Dead, Felicity Huffman Sentencing DONATE If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this … Read more

PODCAST: Drivetime News Blast: Vape Fear Mongering, Who Benefits The Most?, The Real Purpose of The 3rd Dem Debate, & Who Do Americans Trust Most With Facial Recognition Tech? (2019.09.12)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Show and subscribe Links below.  “No vitamin E should be vaped regardless of its chemical structure.” PODCAST: Drivetime News Blast (DNB): Vape Fear Mongering, Who Benefits The Most? The Real Purpose of The 3rd Dem Debate, Who Do Americans Trust Most With Facial … Read more

Drivetime Prop: Fluoride Linked To Low IQ’s, Al Franken Forgiven, Stacey Abrams Voter Suppression Conspiracy, Ghislaine Maxwell Photos Staged! (2019.08.20)

Gun control agenda amps up, Study links Fluoride to lower IQ’s, Gillibrand says Al Franken has a path to redemption after leading the charge to oust him. The Resistance encouraged to model themselves after Hong Kong Resistance. Ghislaine Maxwell In and Out Burger photos staged. Chuck Woolery sparks Twitter outrage! Elizabeth. CNN calls voter fraud a … Read more

Stacey Abrams Makes Major Announcement After State of the Union Response (Parody Interview)

PARODY INTERVIEW – Stacey Abrams sits down with me after her state of the union response for the democrats to discuss her life, her loyal supporters, her opinions on the democrats 2020 candidates and what she has planned for the future, including breaking news about a major announcement. She also discusses her most trying experience and she identifies that biggest threat that Progressives are currently facing.

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Tomorrow on the Show 3PM-6PM ET….Elizabeth Warren Floats Another Lead Balloon

Well, in a rational world it would be a lead balloon, but knowing Elizabeth Warren’s Midas Touch, it’s more likely this will be the next cause cĂ©lèbre for the Democrats. Her plan? Elizabeth Warren wants to further subsidize student loans by implementing the Buffet Rule…In her words, “It’s billionaires or students.” See for yourself… I … Read more

What Did Jefferson Say Would Leave Our Children Homeless? Podcast of July 28 Show

My seven-year-old was doing a class project on Lewis & Clark. One of the questions each student had to answer about his or her historical subject was how much a gallon of milk cost during their lifetime. It was hard to find a chart of historical price levels, probably because it’s so crazy looking. I … Read more