#WTWOF The Prison-Industrial Complex Uncaged!

In June 2015 a very suspicious prison break with an implausibly lengthy manhunt was reported out of New York State. The story line held that a prison worker who met one of the prisoners while in the prison hospital developed a romantic interest in him and helped him and his buddy escape. This happened to … Read more

Republican Voters DEMAND Infrastructure Spending!

Yeah, doesn’t sound right, does it? Well, whoever sets The Donald’s agenda has put this number one from the beginning. This was the only actual policy item DJT cited in his acceptance speech on election day and it’s likely the first (and maybe only) policy he will succeed in fully implementing.  That effort starts this … Read more

Ep. 44 – SOURCES – “Trust Us, We’re The Mainstream Media””

CLICK HERE To Listen To Episode 44 of the Propaganda Report Podcast CLICK HERE To Listen To Episode 44 of the Propaganda Report Podcast Thursday, June 1st, 2017 – The mainstream media claims that their anonymous sources are credible, and that the anonymous sources of anyone who disagrees with them are not credible. Make sense? Of course … Read more

Propaganda Report Mini: Republicans Caught the Squirrel-Now What?

Another propaganda tidbit from today’s paper… Not only do we have the richest society in human history, we also have the most advanced technology and enjoy the fruits of what remains of the labor of the 125 billion people who came before us on this earth. In other words, there is no reason for us … Read more

#WTWOF Did he or didn’t he? Uncertainty over Russian conversation prompts calls for Oval Office tapes.

This is a picture from the Trump-Lavrov-Kislyak meeting last week. For some bizarre reason, US press was not admitted, but Russian press was. Great job on the optics White House! This sort of provocation isn’t incompetence, it’s a set-up. Maybe Trump promised Zucker continued drama, free content and great ratings for a chance at the … Read more

"I could really use an Odd Couple right now."

“I could really use an Odd Couple right now,” said my eleven-year old son after a bad day–and my heart sang! I heard Jay Dyer recently say that he was nostalgic for things he wasn’t even alive for. I have expressed the same sentiment myself. I look back at the innocence of times past – … Read more

Obama & Kerry BEGGED to shoot Tomahawk Missiles into Syria in 2013 but Congress wouldn't let them

Update: Looks like the recent attack was as contrived as the first….  A Quick Turnaround Assessment of the White House Intelligence Report Issued on April 11, 2017 About the Nerve Agent Attack in Khan Shaykhun, Syria. Theodore A. Postol Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology, and National Security Policy Massachusetts Institute of Technology Original post: In … Read more