Look at Russia! (or anywhere else-but definitely not at North Korea or Yemen)

The noise surrounding North Korea is getting louder every day. I know we’ve heard noise from that sector in the past, but it’s definitely ramping up. I noticed it several months ago (December 1, 2016, #WTWOF North Korean Missile Crisis?) and again a few days ago (March 3, 2017: Is “Well-Outside the Mainstream” Newspeak for … Read more

Say what you want about Jeff Sessions…

Start at 3:13 – you can speed it up too…I remembered this back-and-forth but I had forgotten that Sessions actually acknowledges Congress’s role in war-making. What Panetta is saying-without-saying-it is that he considers treaties to trump the Constitution. This can be argued given what seems to be ambiguity in the language in the Constitution, but … Read more

Is "Well-Outside the Mainstream" Newspeak for OUT OF HER FREAKIN' MIND???

While all eyes are on Russia, is Trump’s “Deputy” National Security Advisor, former Kissinger staffer and current member of the Council on Foreign Relations, KT McFarland actively pursuing war with North Korea, or at least knowingly provoking China? White House Options on North Korea Include Use of Military Force The strategy review comes as recent events … Read more

Ep. 29 Propaganda Report – Indivisible Guide: A Left-Wing Playbook for Disruption

CLICK HERE To Listen To Episode 29 of the Propaganda Report Podcast. Tuesday, February 28th, 2017. Anti-Trump protesters are disrupting Republican town hall meetings all over the country. The organization behind the movement is Indivisible, a group of former congressional staffers, who’ve given their followers a Saul Alinksy like playbook full of disruption tactics. Is this … Read more

Why Is Youtube Suppressing The View Count On This Video? ("Wear RED" says Communist Organizers of Upcoming Women's Strike Event)

Maybe there is another explanation but Youtube seems to be suppressing the view count on this video. Multiple people have watched from multiple accounts, over the course of the past few days and the count barely budges. I have no idea why they would suppress the view count on a channel that has barely over … Read more

A rabbit hole too far?

I’m going to say this is too far down the rabbit hole, but what if the Oscars mix-up was a psyop with symbolic meaning? Here are the dots I could connect, but then I really would have to put on a tin-foil  hat, so let’s just keep it in the realm of the theoretical and … Read more