Fascinating Interview About Hurricane Modification

Here is a fascinating video worth watching to the end. Ben Livingston explains the way in which hurricanes could be affected by cloud seeding & how he himself created torrential rains for the US govt during the Viet Nam War; he also describes how companies like his and other governments around the world use major … Read more

Voila! Lessons from Trump & Brexit Scare Europe Straight

Binkley and I speculated from the beginning that the “true meaning of Trump” might be to spark a globalist backlash, for example in Episode 24 of the Propaganda Report from January 26, only a few days after the inauguration. We specifically, repeatedly discussed the impact this all would have in Europe as the reality of … Read more

Ep. 59 – Was Controlled Opposition Behind Charlottesville Riots?

CLICK HERE to listen to episode 59 of the Propaganda Report Podcast Thursday, August 17th, 2017 – America is living the strategy of tension. The extreme left and extreme right cause chaos in Charlottesville. Were the organizers behind it all controlled opposition intent on triggering a cascade of violence? Plus, the growing tension puts the Bill of … Read more

Ep. 57 – McCain Scuttles Obamacare Reform, General Kelly In As COF, The Mooch, & Other Chaos

CLICK HERE, to listen to Episode 57 of the Propaganda Report Podcast Tuesday, August 1st, 2017 – McCain dramatically scuttles Obamacare reform, giving democrats and republicans what they both really wanted. Reince is out as White House Chief of Staff. General Kelly is in. The publicity tunt that was “The Mooch.” Are people inherently good or … Read more

Buster Cursing

Reading the New Yorker account of Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci’s ridiculously implausible conversation with one of their reporters reminded me of something – I couldn’t put my finger on it. Amazingly, Binkley knew it had to be from Arrested Development (my favorite show!) and it was! Even with the bleeps I think it’s a little … Read more

Very Clever, Mr. Musk! (follow-on to yesterday’s post)

Yesterday, in my post, The Musk Special: Government-Privilege Two Ways, I pointed out how government policy, government subsidies, government-sponsored research and government regulation are crucial to Elon Musk’s Tesla empire, complete with examples of plummeting electric vehicle sales in markets where governments stopped fostering them. This guy’s success is clearly dependent on government policy, and … Read more

The Musk Special: Government-Privilege Two Ways

When I was at Stanford University in Silicon Valley earning a JD-MBA (not a fun place for a principle-based libertarian, at least not at the time), there was no end to techie business or law school students who would argue with me that governments needed to fund research for the betterment of society. (The most … Read more

Ep. 54 – Media Frenzy Over Trump Jr./Russian Lawyer Story Is Comically Stupid

CLICK HERE to listen to Episode 54 of the Propaganda Report Podcast. Wednesday, July 12th, 2017 – Stupidity has peaked yet again as the media has been whipped into a frenzy after it was revealed that Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer. Was a Loganville, Georgia mom under mind control when she murdered her husband … Read more

From vulgarity to violence, Dumbing Us Down has turned to Decivilizing Us

Charlotte Iserbyte wrote The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America and John Taylor Gatto wrote Dumbing Us Down–both excellent books addressing the purposeful program of excising the ability to recognize manipulation or to find fallacies in arguments. Since John Dewey replaced classical education with modern education (a process succinctly described in the Dewey chapter of this … Read more